Sunday, August 7

The Day After Jenny Moved In


Barbara, one of the morning group regulars at Old Soul, came behind the counter to give me a hug and said, "We're glad you're here." Nothing nicer to hear at the start of my Pre-Monday Monday. Busy shift with Megan the Dopey, Bronwyn the Chef and Ross the Jazz Guitarist. So what if Megan is still a little slow? It's like her first week. Where others would get annoyed and complain, I see a child stumbling trying to take its first steps. You don't say, "Ah fuck that kid. It'll never get anywhere." You laugh a little and know, given enough practice, that kid'll be walking just fine. She'll get it. Now, about those awkward social skills... Hopefully she'll start opening up to people more. In other news, Tim's been doing the delivery driving this weekend (where's Hank?) because Cody crashed the van this past Friday. He says its because the sun was in his eyes. He was fired and Old Soul bought a new delivery van--and not another soccer-mom van, either--and life goes on. I don't know what Cody will do now. Guy had one foot on a land-mine since Day One, it seemed. Speaking of people doing things, a customer named Anna came back from her new life in San Francisco to visit and say amazing things about living in San Francisco. She moved there with no plan and look what happened. Life is crazy. I wish Cody the best. I think Megan will do fine, unless she keeps thinking that Bronwyn is her granola-with-yogurt bitch. She's got family ties, though, and with the mafia lifestyle that Old Soul's toying with, maybe that's stronger than seniority in the long run... Meredith's last day was on Friday. Now she's heading off to Peru to drink ayahuasca with the local shamans and I doubt that she's coming back. Lucky's gone and Jason's taking over the roaster. Hank actually has another job and probably won't be staying around for much longer, if he hasn't already left. Meanwhile, I'm staring down the barrel of Pay Week with opening shifts every day and an actual weekend, which, after 7 opening shifts in a row, will feel like finding El Dorado. 


On the grander scale of things, Jenny moved in yesterday. Iven came down to help move the mattress and afterward we bought him beer and dinner and a ticket to Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The room looks great, the movie was pretty good, the city seemed more alive than usual, the chicken sandwiches at deVere's were perfect. Iven got a ticket to the AWOLNATION show. Jenny and I promised to actually go out on a Saturday to see what all this night-life is about. Since this next Saturday is Second Saturday, it'll probably be a happening event. I'm anticipating dancing. She and everyone else I sent my story to are still reading it and hopefully making edits. No one edits harder than Jenny. I saw her cross out an entire paragraph with her green pen today. Without a book to work on, I find my mind grasping at all the flashes of plot ideas that could develop into another project. Most of them are super lame. I've got one decent idea that might pan out. It's about friendship. Sad news: I found out that Amy's brother committed suicide. He was a good kid. It really sucks he took that route. I can't help but wonder what drove him to that decision, if it was the answer he was looking for. His memorial will be in Auburn on the 14th and I think I might go. Been thinking a lot about this whole "law of attraction" secret that we all know about and how true it really is. I've become more aware of how my attitude changes the world around me. Confidence matters. I applied for the Street Team job at 94.7 just because I fucking love that radio station. Everyone seemed to be hungover today. That just gave me an idea for a story. 

- Left to Fry 

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