Thursday, August 26

The Day Before I Moved Out Of Rhonda's House And Looked Through Photo Albums With Jessica On The Porch

That was the last time I'd have to ride my bike down K street from Old Soul to the freeway, the last time I'd have to make that late-night daredevil maneuver across Alhambra to Grenada, the last time I'd see that woman sleeping in the chair across the street from the fire-station with it's one open door and patiently dormant fire-truck parked inside. The last time I'd have to worry someone was going to call in a suspicious character when I pulled up to my dirty car and stuffed a bicycle into the trunk. The last time I drove to a borrowed home in a tiny room. The last time I had to tell someone that I'm "staying with a family friend." The last time I have to brag about my moving situation to others simply to keep myself motivated through weeks of closing shifts. The last time I sleep here. 

I got my last late-night conversation with Jessica. We looked through photo albums. Last time using their bike, which I returned to its spot on the back lawn. So quickly my relationship with that bike ended. I feel like we've bonded in the past two weeks, which only makes me want to get my own as soon as possible. Not a bad first goal. It's almost necessary. So brief, as well, the time I was able to share with Jessica, yet how valuable I hold this shared experience with a lifelong friend. To be housed with her at such crucial moments of our lives, seeing each other like two friends bumping into each other on the subway, getting this brief chance to catch each other up. Jessica's in a committed relationship with a guy I approve of, yet haven completely bonded with quite yet, named Jason. I'm recently out of mine, starting new in Midtown tomorrow. Neither of us exactly where we expected to be, but enjoying the adventure nonetheless. That's all we have, really, is the ability to enjoy the small things. 

It's pretty late. I have to wake up early and start packing the car. Don't let me forget to bring pillows and blankets. I'm gonna be sleeping on the floor tomorrow, it seems, but oh well. It'll help me bond with the room. I'll try and get my TV and games and movies, along with the books already in my car, and at least have something to entertain myself with until my mom comes on Saturday to help me with the bed, the TV stand, the mini-fridge. I think I'll go ahead and turn off the lights, for the last time. 

- Left to Fry

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