Saturday, July 2

The Day Of An All-Around Update

The last ten bands played on random were: Rage Against the Machine, Maximo Park, Oh Land, Andrew Bird, Bassnectar, The Advantage, The Sounds, The Builders and the Butchers, Rocky Votolato, Villagers. 

This is what I've been doing after work, recently:

I'm distracted by the book. I'm living the book. I hope that's healthy. I don't think it's just the wine, talking, either. This is a big project that seems to be wrapping up nice. These days, as long as a book's narrative is coherent, it can sell in bookstores. So I think I'm at least halfway there already. 

Work at Old Soul is steady as always. Kind of a neat perspective to be on the inside of a company that's slowly selling out for corporate status. I guess it's good to be on the side of the winners, right? 

Shaun's leaving soon, which will put a shift in the employee dynamic, which is always an interesting phase of Old Soul. A wave in an otherwise mirror-surfaced ocean. A new face, a handful of schedule changes, a new character to explore... Otherwise, same old Old Soul. Same old coffee.

Plus, I'll miss the bugger.

Lots of people moving away right now. 

If I flashed back a year, a lot of people were moving around this time last year, too. It must be the summer season that inspires us to migrate. Not in big flocks, no, but a few of us, our friends and families, people close to us. Just one or two in your circle, but also in everyone else's circles. A thousand people gone, every summer. Not just for warmer weather, either, but a warmer life, for something to reignite them. And a thousand others arrive, migrating from other neighborhoods, other states, other countries, looking for the spark. Life is a pursuit of our brightest moment.

You hope you lit the right wick.

The good thing is I think I did. It's a slow wick, but it's leading toward something brilliant. I can feel that. I've never felt more sure of anything. It took a few big changes, a few big choices, bur here I am and it's never felt more right. 

Waiting until the 5th to call my dentist back because the receptionist said I wouldn't be on their "Delta Care" VIP list until after the 1st. So whatever.

Jenny and I watched the ending of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night, but that's kind of an inside-story. I think the ending reveals the power of true love in such an unconventional way that you can't help but believe that it really can happen.

Gotta finish "Neverwhere" still. 

The good news is I think I actually saved a decent amount of money this past month. Not sure exactly how I did it, and it's a little too soon to call it (rent is still due), but it feels that way. So, good on me for that. 

Now I'm drunk. The end.

- Left to Fry

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