Friday, March 11

The Day After Shaun's Show When I Saw Battle: LA

We think we’re late, so we’re in a hurry, Jenny, Sean and I, as we hurry toward 10th and swing a left toward Old Ironsides. It’s another couple of blocks and already past 9:00pm, Thursday, when Shaun said their band would be going on first. I’ve seen H. Letham perform a few times already, but Jenny and Sean haven’t, so I’m hoping they’re not missing too much. At last we arrive—Jenny sees Fox & Goose and makes a comment about pancakes—and after our IDs are checked, we’re inside.

I covered Sean’s entry fee, so he buys me a beer. I bump into Daniel and his friend (Mike?) and say hey to Nick and Sean (of the band) and find out from Shaun that his girl-pal, Chelsea, won’t be able to make it because of school. At least he won’t be all nervous performing in front of her.

Earlier in the day I drank five 1554’s while sitting on my window-sill.

I was in a shitty mood all morning. Ranted about society to let off some steam, then made a Feel Good music playlist and enjoyed the little bit of sun that snuck through the weatherman’s prediction for rain. Took photos of people for fun. I think I saw a drug deal between a guy who looks like an old family friend and one of my neighbors. Bumped into Erin as she circled the block trying to bum a cigarette.

Reminds me—I never heard back from PS7, though it seemed like they were generally interested in offering me teaching experience. A volunteer gig, but a gig nonetheless, and something the Peace Corps would like. Honestly I’m waiting until I hear back from Sac State until I make any more plans. Drew heard back from St. Mary’s today—he got accepted into their Creative Non-Fiction program—and that’s all good for him, makes me feel even more antsy. JUST TELL ME ALREADY YES OR NO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

Today I’m waking up with Jenny at her apartment and she says, “I don’t want to go to work. I just want to be silly all day,” while changing outfits from a flowery summer dress to jeans to different jeans.  The show at Ironsides was great, as usual, and Shaun’s girl even showed up after all. Jenny invited us over for a beer and a game of Scrabble Apple, then it was time to call it a night. In the morning, Sean’s asleep on the couch downstairs. After Jenny leaves for work, we head out to face the morning and Sean decides against 4:30 yoga.

Dad sends me a text tonight that says: I love you.
I reply: Love you too. What’re you up to?
He sends me: This tsunami. It just goes to show you never know. I just wanted you to know I love you.

Then Chris and I buy tickets to see Battle: LA and it’s terrible. We’re a little stoned and that doesn’t make the movie any better, which is saying something, but at least the special effects were decent and I got to see another preview for Sucker Punch, not to mention the new X-Men movie looks pretty badass. Some kids walked out (“Fuck this movie,” we heard one of them groan) and a lot of others talked over the boring parts. The best line of the movie had to be: “I want to help. I’m a veterinarian.”

I imagine veterinarians in the audience gave a quiet cheer.

And all the screenwriters cringed.

- Left to Fry 

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