Thursday, March 3

The Day I Tested Negative For HIV, Paid Rent And Did Laundry With Jenny

Took these photos on my way to Wells Fargo to get money for rent, after which I stopped at CARES to get HIV tested (negative results, thank goodness), and reconnected with Jenny to make plans to meet at her place to do laundry tonight, literally and figuratively, I guess. So it's only 3:30 now and I had all these photos to post and figured I'd blanket over yesterday's downer with some color. 

I think I overreacted yesterday. I think everyone overreacted. First of all, AJ, who will always want me to feel the same hurt that she felt from me, and though the ingredients of our past will never be recreated in the same way, I can understand how she thought this would create a similar pain. If she wants me to take one thing away from our relationship, it's that honesty and love go hand-in-hand. I get that. Jenny is a reporter who works with other reporters, whose whole career is based upon her reputation, and so I understand why she was upset with the information I'd taken the liberty to share. People can get sued for the kind of stuff I write, so at least she didn't try to press charges. Maybe it wasn't that bad, but it was private. And I think I also got too upset from the whole thing and was excessively woe-is-me dramatic. I have to take the blame, too, and since I've been posting everything on the internet, I had to expect it to fall into Jenny's lap eventually. If I wanted to keep it all a secret, I wouldn't have made it public. I guess something else I've learned is that life isn't just a story that I'm writing--it's not just my story, at least, it's all of our stories combined--and if I want to be some omniscient author for my life, I need to realize the other characters around me have minds and motivations of their own, and I can't always predict what they'll do in the next paragraph. 

- Left to Fry

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. Good luck Chris, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart (I have one I swear.)
