Tuesday, June 7

The Day I Registered For Fall Classes

The sun is touch-and-go for most of the morning, but even just the slightest glimpse of sunshine puts everyone in a good mood. For now. The sun is a lot like your mother: you're so happy for the visit, then as the days continue, the heat builds and the sweat drips, you start bickering about little things and wishing for the rain again. We all know this happens. But for now, it's nice. 

I register for my classes at Sac State online between drink orders, pulling an espresso shot as I enroll in ENGL 110A (Linguistics), foaming milk after enrolling in ENGL 110P (Second Language Learning and Teaching), pouring a rosetta before enrolling in ENGL 120S (Writing in Social Sciences) and calling out, "Latte!" as I hurry back to get wait-listed for ENGL 110Q (Grammar for ESL Teachers). 

I'm #6 on the waitlist for the Grammar course.

I kindly informed the teacher I'll be crashing her class.

All that done, my new schedule (come August 29) will have me in class from about 12 - 4 Monday / Wednesday and 4 - 6 Tuesday / Thursday. This means I can still work five days a week, if needed, with morning shifts on Tues / Thurs and any shift Friday and weekends. So I'm glad I'll still be available at Old Soul. I don't know if glad is the right word, but you know what I mean. I'm glad things won't get all complicated when I still have to make money for rent and bills. 

Basically there's forward progress going on and it feels good.

The shift today goes smoothly. Jessica met someone new and was all giggly with the other ladies, and I'm happy for her because I know how good it feels to fall in love. We listen to a lot of classic rock that transitions toward the modern, then split tips when Shaun arrives. Speaking of love... He's got an interesting situation unfolding this Thursday with a friend coming to visit who he met through the magic of blogging, a girl from up north who confessed to Shaun that she could love him. Note: they've been talking on the phone and online for quite a while, now, so this isn't altogether strange, albeit a little upfront, especially for a romantic like Shaun. Speaking of Romantics... I watched a movie by that title last night with Jenny and Jenn at her apartment and it was, in the end, quite mediocre, but the soundtrack was alright and it provoked conversation about the nature of love and defining oneself based on one's partner. Also, Elijah Wood played a pretty good drunk pervert.

Anyway, back at Old Soul, I can't think of any good advice to give Shaun about his upcoming visitor. He shrugs. Que sera, sera. 

I discovered yesterday that I was awarded a 50 cent raise on my last paycheck and tried to thank Tim and Jason for this, but saying "Thanks for the fifty cents" sounded a lot more sarcastic than I'd intended and I really hope I didn't sound insincere, because a raise is a raise, small or not, and I guess maybe I should've just gotten them a Thank You card from Walmart or something instead. Do they make Thank You cards for raises?

Jenny came by Old Soul as my shift was ending and chatted for a while with Erin about life-after-college and Erin was there centering herself before a job interview and it was nice for them to meet. I've met a lot of cool people at Old Soul, some of them girls, and now that Jenny is a big part of my life, I want her to meet all of these people too. The bonfires have helped arrange this, partially. I want her to know my friends. I want her to like the people I like. I think I've made a pretty decent social circle in Midtown, even if it is mainly based around an espresso machine, and I'm more than happy to make Jenny a part of that. What I'm trying to say is that I'm in love with Jenny and want the whole world to know. So there. I said it. 

Speaking of Jenny, her Mom and brothers are coming to visit this weekend. 

The gardens are happy. The roses in Capitol Park are buzzing with bees getting their groove on. Everything is vibrant and awake. The turtles are sunbathing. Frozen yogurt melts quick in our cones. People out and about, Jenny bumps into an old professor of hers who gives her some positive remarks about her journalism pursuits, which she needs. We look through the new antique shop, Scout Living, which is full of all the sorts of trinkets I'd love to fill my house with, were I wealthy and a homeowner. Stuff from the past that somehow seems like stuff from the future. She rides off to work and I buy two tickets to the Washed Out show in San Francisco next month. 

Quote of the Day: "If you do that, you'll wake up dead."

- Left to Fry

1 comment:

  1. Pictures with sun! How wonderful! Especially while sitting here in my cave at work.
