Wednesday, June 22

The Day The Obama Wall Went Down

So they took down the Obama Wall.

Take whatever symbolism you want from this, but really John and Brad only did it to make room for the dumpsters. Now the people who sit outside of Old Soul won't have to smell rotting garbage as they sip their lattes in the alleyway. Can't say I won't miss seeing Obama every morning on my 100-step walk to work, but I also won't miss the stench. That's change I can believe in. 

The bonfire went perfectly. Despite the mercury rising to the 100's during the daylight hours, the evening cooled off enough to allow for a fire and plenty of cinnamon s'more making. Jenny and I spent some time catching up in my room and I gave her the Chrome bag that Lance donated and she talked about her fun experience at Bows and Arrows and getting interviewed for her outfit by Midtown Monthly. Then Kelly arrived so we started setting up the event. The music, the projector, the beer... I put on North By Northwest and Jimi Hendrix. As the sun went down, the crowd grew quickly, this time with a lot of new faces. We had Iven, Shaun, Daniel, Annie, Alan, Brandon, Melissa, Megan, Jessica, Rachel, Michelle, Juj and Murphy, Mike, Drew, Bobby, Lilly, Jenn and at least four other people whose names I've forgotten. The yard was full, the beer was plentiful, the fire was small, the conversation was great, the energy was high and the weather was perfect. I was really proud of everyone for coming out and having a good time. I made new friends out of customers. I found out my housemate Richard's name is actually Robert (awkward...). I talked to Bobby about his friend's literary magazine he's going to be an editor for, and hinted that the story I'm working on now would be a good one to consider. I had a nice brotherly moment with Shaun about his unfortunate crush and the frustration that comes with falling for someone at the wrong time. Iven was wearing those shoes that have toes, and we talked about shooting guns and how addictive it is. Jenny's quote of the night: "Popcorn, like wine, is a fucking miracle." After the Hitchcock movie, I put on Nightmare Before Christmas as the crowd dwindled and it was just a few friends and a joint. Before we knew it, the credits were rolling and it was midnight. Everyone left and Jenny stayed. Definitely one of the most memorable and successful bonfires. Alan said, "This is the bonfire that makes it go viral. Are you ready for that?" and I guess the good thing is the backyard is big enough to make room for double the amount of people that normally come, so long as I get some lights and a ping-pong table on the other end of the yard. It'll be interesting to see what happens next Wednesday. 

Note to self: get more Tim Burton movies.

In other news, there's not much news from Jessica. She's been staying at her grandmother's house. She's scheduled to work on Friday morning, but we'll see. I've got my shift on Saturday switched so that I can go camping with Jenny and Arielle on Friday in Chico. Never been. Heard good things. Shaun's expected departure date is early August. I got my Delta Dental membership card, so I have to schedule a dentist appointment once I get my finances in order. Hopefully get my first cavity or two taken care of by the end of next week. The Washed Out show is approaching. Been writing a lot, really liking this new story idea. 

- Left to Fry

1 comment:

  1. I love the symbolism of Obama's face coming down, although I also like the juxtaposition of it next to a dumpster as well.
