Saturday, August 20

The Day After An Exciting Trip To The Laundromat

Last night Jenny and I are about to leave the house to go do laundry, one of the least exciting activities known to man, when what sounds like galloping can be heard outside of my house. Loud. "Was that a horse?" I ask, just as Jenny watches an officer on horseback breeze down the alleyway, yelling loudly in the direction of the parking garage. "Yeah!" she calls back. We both hurry downstairs with our laundry bags to see what's going on. Cop cars pull up to the entrance of the garage. The horse comes running out from the bottom floor and the cop ducks under the LOW CLEARANCE sign. Next thing, here comes John from the bike shop who says to the cop, "I think he went up," and points toward the garage roof six floors above us. A cop on a bike exits the bottom floor, pedaling quickly around the building. A helicopter shows up. Spotlight drops on the alleyway. Jenny and I go over to John and ask, "What did you see?" and he says some guy came running down the alley and yelled, "Hey! Give me a bike!" but kept running before John had a chance to react. That's crazy. This guy must've done something crazy to require a 3-Star GTA rating so quickly. But John says, "The cops love it. It's just a game." Jenny and I watch the situation unfold. More cop cars. The helicopter starts speaking, giving a description of the runner (black shorts, striped shirt, white male), circling overhead. The searchlight scans the city. A cop car reverses quickly from the scene and bolts down Capitol Avenue. After nothing much seems to be happening, Jenny and I continue toward the laundromat. I think about how much adrenaline that guy must be feeling, having all this authority hunting him down. I can hardly imagine how that must feel. We get to the laundromat and the usual shady characters are hanging out, albeit with a tad more shade when it's at night. Almost immediately we overhear them talking about the guy who the cops were looking for. They know him. He ran through this laundromat just moments before being chased down the alley by the cop on the horse. They also apparently didn't like him very much, laughing about his situation. Jenny and I peacefully clean our clothes and read our books and take the lighted sidewalk home.

I like Jenny's point of view of the night

Lots of 90's hip-hop at work today. Nostalgia is so weird.

Other new things: Working six days next week, including the day I asked to get off because of orientation. Looking forward to seeing Fright Night and Another Earth. Megan goes back to South Korea tomorrow. Kelly came back from LA. Mary's in New Orleans looking for an apartment. Heard from Sean. He's doing good. Jade is in Portland visiting her mom, whose sick. I'm reading "Trainspotting" and still trying to figure out how to build my own chess board. I'm editing the second draft of my book, reading it out loud, with Jenny's much-appreciated help. The weather's been super nice. No dental appointments scheduled, yet, though I know I've got to keep on that, and we're coming up on a full year of living in this house. I anticipate some important financial decisions in the near future that are making me feel like an adult, and I don't know how I feel about that. The dream of summer is slowly fading to fall. 

- Left to Fry

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