Friday, August 27

The Day I Finally Connected To The House Wi-Fi And Felt The Urge To Write An Update About My New Life

It seems strange that I haven't written anything yet, though to be fair I didn't get onto the wireless network until after work today, so it wasn't like I could've written anything last night, nothing poignant. So here's a brief run-down of the first two days in my new home (I'm gonna go to bed early tonight so I can wake up early, rested, and meet my mom at Rhonda's to get the rest of my stuff). This is my second night sleeping on the floor on six layers of blankets, huddled beside the slightly-opened window that spills late-night Sacramento sounds and midnight breezes into my bare, hollow bedroom. Anyway...

I love it.

I absolutely love it.

It's an old house with creaky stairs and my door doesn't stay closed unless you dead-bolt it. I get to park inside of a gate and use a gate-opener. The toilet doesn't have a handle for flushing, but rather a plunger on top of the reservoir that does the job just the same when you pull it up. The bathroom sink is one of those sea-shell shaped basins. The fluorescent lights are dancing in their slow demise. The bedroom itself is larger than I previously thought. I'm not sure how I want to arrange my limited furniture when it comes tomorrow. I think I'll take some pictures and post them sometime during the week, since I know my words won't capture the antiquity, won't adequately represent the idiosyncrasies. Anyhow, the verdict is positive.

In other news, I finally had my first-day at Sac Press. It's gonna be a handful, but in a healthy way. 

Really going to bed now. I'm sure I'll have more to say when life smooths out next week. 

- Left to Fry

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