Tuesday, August 17

The Day I Got Accepted For An Internship With Sac Press And Paul Told Me I'd Be Able To Move In Sooner Than Expected

I'm turning to Buddhism.

It's not a shock, really. It's not even much of a change. Buddhism encourages a lifestyle and frame of mind that comes naturally to me. Inner-peace for outer-peace. Positive energy, positive emotions. Be the change you want to see in the world. Dispel negative emotion. Rid yourself of superficial connections. Realize you are energy trapped in a body, trapped in time. Love each moment you're allowed to exist. Enjoy life. Enjoy the company of others. Enjoy everything. Be happy. Embrace changes. Don't criticize others. Don't worry. Take care of your body for as long as you can, but understand it will not last forever. Breathe. Relax. Put forth positive intentions and the universe will react accordingly. Do no harm. Have desire, have wishes, and fulfill them--but never at the expense of others. Be the smile that provokes others to smile with you. The contagious laugh. Pay attention to your aura at present and less attention to the stress of time. There is no time.

They're opening a Midtown Grocery Outlet across the street from my new home. It opens on Thursday. Just one of a thousand incredibly convenient things about the location.

Yesterday I took Sean down there to show him around (trying to convince him to move to Sacramento after me) and we sat on the lawn in front of the Capitol smoking his new e-cigarette, popping spearmint tic-tacs, and listening to the Rolling Stones. We people-watched for a half hour. Sacramento, I told him, is like mild salsa. Not boring, not overwhelming. It's a starter city. It's not too loud, it's not too quiet. Tall buildings, lots of trees, friendly people. Fantastic weather, for the most part. After showing him Old Soul and my future home, we headed out to Arden Fair to see the new Scott Pilgrim movie--one of my favorite films of the year. Then we drove all the way back to Auburn and Sean was reminded of how badly he wants to move out of his parents' house, and I can only hope his visit to Midtown showed him what possibilities await him there. I know I can't wait for those keys to be in my hand. I have fully embraced this transition as exactly the right thing that I should be doing, and I can't wait for the whirlpool of unsettled thoughts and goals in my mind to find a place to rest when I have a space to live again.

This morning I got a call from Colleen at Sac Press. I start training for an internship next Monday at 1:00pm. Paul also sent me an e-mail saying I could move in as soon as next Thursday, a day earlier than predicted. The universe provides.

- Left to Fry

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