Sunday, February 13

The Day I Turned 24

I've fallen back in love with Marcy Playground.

Here's where things get weird. Here's the part during the flight when the turbulence hits and I start to wonder where the emergency exits are. Not so clearly defined in my situation, however. I'm afraid the web I've spun myself into isn't so easy to escape from. That's what I wanted though, wasn't it? 

As long as my credit score is good, I can make a complete mess of my life and still recover. 

Weird is not remembering falling asleep. Weird is smoking grass in the Old Soul alleyway with Nic, Jessica, Joe, Jack and Kirsten at 1:00am. Weird is drinking with Jessica and Kirsten at midnight in my bedroom to celebrate my birthday's arrival. Weird is shaping the night so that we happen to swing by Weatherstone when Kirsten is closing shop. Weird is being at a Valentine's party of successful thirty-somethings in an IKEA studio loft. Weird is finding out why Jessica can't renew her license. Weird is making sure I leave Jenny's place before 9:00pm so that I can meet Jessica at my house to go to a party in the L Street lofts. Weird is making sure Kirsten's out of my bed and gone before Jenny shows up around 3:00pm with the sweater she borrowed and no plans for the afternoon. Weird is waking up late for work at 6:46am. 

So today is my birthday. I'm 24. 

I'm also probably losing my mind. I've never felt so preoccupied. I've never felt so unglued. I appreciate these moments when I have silence and space to think alone in my room, which I've been spending on this blog, writing a robot story, applying to Sac State, catching up on sleep or catching up on hygiene. Most of the time I'm at work. Five days a week, eight hours each day. Can't say I'm digging the repetition, which might explain why I've been trying to make everything else so crazy and unpredictable. 

I had no idea I'd be hanging out with Jenny yesterday. We met up when she was en route to meet a friend at Old Soul. She brought me back my sweater. Next thing I know, we're eating at Chipotle and talking about our hazy futures on the outside patio drinking beers with Spanish names. She's a really great girl with just the right amount of spark--not tiring, not dull--and there's definitely an allure to her English major mind. She's the kind of girl you listen to records with while drinking rum punch on a couch under the stairs behind the gold tapestry hung from the railing. We watched videos on the Peace Corps website, did yoga in my bedroom, stopped at a couple art galleries as we walked about town, smoked a joint and ate Oreos with milk. 

This was after telling myself that I was going to go home after work and catch up on some sleep. 

John's Valentine's Day party was kinda neat. Showed up with Jessica around 10:00pm and had to call John because I didn't know how to work the directory at the front door. He came down, barefoot, to excitedly let us in. We followed him to an elevator to the fourth floor and to a door with a big paper heart taped on it. He lives in an IKEA catalogue with hardwood floors and rugs that double as conversation pieces. There's a white piano and a guy playing guitar on a stool singing John Mayer covers. John introduces us to a few of his friends and I forget their names immediately. All nice people, already two or three drinks into the night and all the more welcoming. Didn't make any friends. Spent most of the time getting to know Jessica better, talking on the balcony or tasting the desserts or lounging on the couch with two glasses of red wine. We left the party after about an hour to wander toward Weatherstone. 

I like Jessica because she's ridiculously adorable, but mature and level-headed. She's pretty with a rebellious undertone. She has a degree in Human Development with little clue as to what she wants to do with her life. The whole night was a brief, but wonderful experience. I could see us hanging out again soon. 

Saw a band called The Mighty Regis on Friday night @ Old Ironsides with Kirsten. Then we went back to my room and I overslept my alarm. Hate being late. My boss, Jason, who had to come open for me, was rightfully pissed. Put me in kind of a funk for the duration of the shift and if it hadn't been for the unexpected series of events that followed, it could've been a crappy Saturday entirely.

Katie came by Old Soul today and brought me some bacon from her breakfast with Myles. Not sure how things are going to play out with Katie. Still feels a little tense. We'll see what happens when our LOST addictions get the best of us and we're forced to reunite on the Island. 

Jason and Jennifer (and Baby Jack) brought me a chocolate cupcake at work with a candle, which was the sweetest thing ever. The morning crew also broke into Happy Birthday earlier in the day, which was anticipated but cheek-reddening nonetheless. I had a nice chat with Barbara about the Peace Corps. Had a long-time-no-see with Jen, the nurse-in-training. Made $48 in tips. Jenny came with her roommate, Jen, to wish me happy birthday on their way to Bows and Arrows to shop for a Russian Winter Party outfit. Then I spent a half hour laying in my bed with Kirsten before that evolved to more, and an hour later she left for work and I told her I'd leave the door unlocked.

After catching up on some sleep, I woke around 6:40 to call Tessa and offer to come pick her up so that we could grab some food before the Murder By Death show at 9:00. She now lives in a little two-bedroom hardwood floor apartment across Midtown with a girl named Marissa. We three chatted for a bit about videogames and rural upbringings, then Tessa and I drove back to my house and I gave her a quick tour of the place before we walked over to Hot Italian. This being our first official experience hanging out together, I have to say that it went really well. Conversation was good--spent time discussing our past failed relationships, our new outlook we have about the future, food allergies, New York City and the difficulty of maintaining friendships. Dinner was fantastic--pumpkin pizza with ham and goat cheese. She's a gin and tonic girl. She also ate the pizza with a fork. We hurried back to my house and hopped into the car and made it to Harlow's just before the second band went on, The Builders and the Butchers, and had time to get more drinks at the bar. Soon we found Shaun in the audience and soon we were all dancing.

My ID expired today. Feels weird.

Lindol French was at the show, too, taking notes on his little notepad for some Sac Press or Examiner article, or maybe just out of habit. He's awesome. I don't know why we haven't become best friends yet.

My birthday ended with me falling asleep in my room after dropping Tessa off at home. I really liked hanging out with Tessa and I got the feeling she had a good time hanging out with me, too. So yeah... We'll see.

- Left to Fry

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