Wednesday, March 16

The Day My Life Started To Take Shape (I Think)

Timeline One: The Peace Corps

I've done my interview in Oakland (February 9) and felt pretty good about that. Found out about the TESOL Masters Program at Sac State, applied, and Jennifer put my application on pause until I'm accepted into the school. Fingers crossed.

Timeline Two: Sacramento State

Timeline Three: PS7
Good morning Chris,
Okay, I had to do some schedule switching. I'd like you to work with 7th grade English students on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00. It would be great if you could volunteer on Fridays from 1:00-3:00. On Fridays, the role would shift from working with students who need to finish homework assignments, helping during team meeting, and helping during our "Fun Friday" time.
Please let me know how this sounds. I look forward to meeting you face-to-face. Tutoring begins this coming Monday. 
Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks again for your interest in our school!

Timeline Four: Meeting Ron Montana

The author Ron Montana, will be here at 11am on Thursday.  Can you come and meet him?  He is coming for a meeting anyway. Let me know.  I could not find his books on the internet so I asked him to bring his books.  Also, you should bring one of your chapters of sci fi for him to look at.
Love, GMA

Timeline Five: Jenny

Perfectly paced. Beautiful girl. Poems and ocean waves. She's got a great gig with Healthy Cal and a desk job on the side and a good relationship with Capitol Weekly. A nice place to be, but she's ready for a more creative venture, maybe yoga teacher training, maybe not, maybe Santa Cruz, hopefully Santa Cruz, but maybe not, or maybe later. She's going to ride out her year-long contract and see what happens. So long as I get into Sac State, I'm planning on being around another year, too. 

Fingers crossed.

- Left to Fry

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