Thursday, July 21

The Day I Stayed Up All Night

My Saturday went by in a slow series of lazy events: waking up with a hangover, blogging, making a dentist appointment, cleaning the backyard, having a lime Gatorade with a Caesar salad from Gross Out for breakfast, writing, downloading Spotify, watching part of Good Morning Vietnam, Chipotle for lunch, taking a nap, sleeping an hour longer than anticipated, writing at Old Soul to take advantage of the A/C, bumping into Jade and smoking with her in the backyard, where we're soon joined by Drew for a conversation about jigsaw puzzles and haunted houses, then writing after she left and getting a call from Jenny to catch up with her Montana-happenings and a bonfire recap.

I stayed up all night staring out the window, listening for train horns as I drank bonfire beer and ate half a can of mixed nuts. Sitting there, thinking about atoms, thinking about life, I felt my first bit of concern about the Peace Corps, about the path I've embraced as my future. I realized: I'm really going to do this. It might take another year, but look how quickly the last year flew by. Hell, I was reading some posts I wrote earlier this year and it feels like I wrote those yesterday. I watched drunk guys ride by on bikes, security guards making their rounds about the health departments with crackling radios, heard birds and traffic and the rustle of leaves in the trees. I felt small and connected. I watched all six episodes of The League and wrote more of my book. I stared assuredly at the stars and knew in my heart I will become the author I wish to be. Patience and practice will get me there. In the meantime, the Peace Corps will help me experience the world in a way that I just haven't experienced during my life in Northern California. I know there's more and I want it. It's nice to stay up late and watch the world sleep. Gives me the silence I need to really listen. 

- Left to Fry

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