Monday, July 25

The Day The Drilling Started

Today was a day when I loved my job. Sometimes that can happen. 

Then I went to the dentist. 

Good news: they bumped my appointment up an hour. Bad news: I end up waiting in the reclining chair for an hour anyway. Good news: I have a nice chat with the assistant. Bad news: I think the numb part of my mouth is regaining sensation. Good news: it's not. Bad news: the sound of metal digging into bone, the surprise of feeling the drill stick against a particularly tough part of enamel. Good news: it doesn't hurt. Bad news: this doesn't mean it's not uncomfortable, that I don't feel the need to drown myself with saliva lest I swallow and bump Dr. Steele's drill into the side of my mouth, or that I don't clench my jaw and hold my breath and squeeze shut my eyes. Good news: it doesn't take long. Bad news: it honestly feels like Dr. Steele is carving a sculpture out of my molars, and how do I know he's actually filling cavities when it seems like that drill is bouncing all over the place? Good news: I guess those cavities are gone now. Bad news: it costs 10 dollars more than I expected ($240). Good news: two check-marks off the Treatment Plan. Bad news: I've decided to get Tooth 13 pulled (rather than the recommended root canal), probably on a Wednesday so I'll have two days to recover. Good news: I never liked Tooth 13, anyway.

No thanks, Root Canal. If I wanted to pay that much money for that much pain, I would get a tattoo of David Bowie on my penis. In other news, Jenny's dentist appointment in Montana went flawlessly. She's got the good teeth genes I'm jealous of. I've made plans to go to the river with John, Amy and Iven tomorrow afternoon. Going to spend the evening writing and hopefully inch closer to the end. Just a few more pages...

- Left to Fry

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    I remember getting my wisdom teeth removed, the doctor used some novacane. The bottle of laughing gas emptied though while I was sitting strapped into the chair. I felt every damn thing.
    Ah, the things you do to prepare for the Peace Corps :)
