Wednesday, November 17

The Day I Went To A Law And Legislation Meeting And Watched Steve Cohn Walk Out Of The Room To Prevent A Vote To Decide What To Do About Chicken Keeping

Went to probably the most exciting Law and Legislation meeting, ever. Then I got to write an article about it afterward, focusing more on Steve Cohn's walk-out than the chicken ordinance ideas being pushed by the supporters of chicken keeping in Sacramento (CLUCK).

Also saw the movie Unstoppable with Sean. The only saving value of this movie was the fact that it was playing on Century's new XD screen, which is like a miniature IMAX screen. Just another way for movie theaters to charge more money for tickets and make up for all that money lost to pirating. 

Otherwise, my day was spent at Old Soul, at City Hall, Sac Press, Max's Apartment and the driver's seat of my car. Also bumped into Paul, who was the husband of that young couple I met at Jay Schenirer's election-night party two weeks ago. He'd mentioned being involved with politics, so I guess it's not surprising that he'd be at a city council meeting like this. I still think him and his wife are the best kind of friends to have--politically savvy with a hippie's heart. 

Kirsten got locked out of her house last night and spent all her money for an after-hours locksmith call, which means we've postponed the casino trip for Sunday. I've got the opera Friday night and I've got a day left to decide if I want to buy tickets to the special yoga event at Yoga Shala. Tyler's reminded me of it every time he comes into Old Soul. Depends on ticket prices, I guess. Casino on Sunday.

Until then, it's two closing shifts and a little bit of nothing much.

Oh, and this happened at work this morning:

- Left to Fry

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