Thursday, December 9

The Day I Finished The Allan Hida Article And Went To Spin Burger With Shaun To Interview The Staff

Proof that I was there for the Run to Feed the Hungry:

Unrelated to the picture above, I've been thinking about 2012 enough to make this statement: I think it's impossible for me to see beyond 2012. Why should I? What if all the skeptics are wrong and the world really does end? I said to Shaun today, "I'm hoping it's nothing quick. I don't want the Douglas Adam's end of the world. I want something more destructive." 

And if neither version of Armageddon occurs, then so be it. Life goes on. 

Not that I'm going to sit around and do nothing until the Y2K12 scare has passed. I'll keep on living like I always have been. I can't stop the end of the world any more than John Cusack can. I'm just realizing how gray the universe appears beyond that benchmark moment. Until the what if's are satisfied, that's as far as the calendar pages go, not with a bang, but a whimper. 

It's strange to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey with the soundtrack dubbed in French. Makes me laugh, this thought of the French in space, and I don't know why that's funny. 

I fell in love with Angelica, the bartender from Spin Burger. Colleen asked me to write a follow-up article to see how Spin Burger was doing in its new location (it opened in the end of November)--this probably being the last article I write for them--and I invited Shaun along when I went today to interview the staff. Angelica was a sweet and helpful Davis psychology graduate who I'd certainly go back to see again--especially since I happened to also meet DJ Eddie Z, who will be playing Friday and Saturday nights. Besides meeting Angelica, the highlight of the trip included a good venting session with Shaun about the trouble of figuring out what to do with our lives. 

After two beers, I was just buzzed enough to find comfort in the idea of sticking around Sacramento at least long enough to do another internship or two. I've got my eyes on SN&R or Banter Media. Either one could help me hone some skills for the future, and if Napoleon Dynamite taught me anything, it was the importance of skills. I couldn't agree more. Craigslist is nothing but a list of all the things I'm not skilled enough for--not yet, that is. This is skill-building time. 

I was also honored that Lindol French asked me to be facebook friends. 

Got my article posted about Allan Hida and his experience in the Japanese internment camps. Not the most cheerful topic, but I think the article turned out alright. Adorable old man. Is it bad to think it was adorable when he'd misunderstand questions or change topics without warning? I like old people with senses of humor. 

I am relieved to be done with my Sac Press internship. 

If they could pay me $9.00 an hour to keep doing what I've been doing for them--basically event preview and cover pieces--then I could quit Old Soul and have a lot more time to devote myself completely to this concept of journalism. But I don't think that's going to happen. It's been tough with Old Soul's scheduling. I haven't been the best intern I could've been, but I know I gave it as much as I could. 

I've heard people who do yoga consistently will freak out when they don't do it for a while--they like the feeling of stretching their body and soul to its limits. That's kind of what Sac Press felt like. I was always pushing some boundary I'd never pushed before--both in my social interactions and my own self-discipline. Like I've said, I know I can do better, and this is why I think I'll be staying around to see if I can't continue the boundary-pushing with SN&R. Maybe journalism is my yoga. 

Kirsten says Savannah, Georgia is nice. 

Sean wants to move to San Diego.

Shaun wants to fish in Alaska.

Meredith is heading for Hawaii early next year.

Hank is off to the Law Academy on the 24th. 

And me? I haven't figured that out yet. I'd planned on giving Sacramento a year's worth of my time and see what opportunities would grow. I've only been here four months. The rent was raised to its normal $550, and that sucks, but it's not the end of the world, and I am completely free to leave whenever I want. So I'll probably just keep prowling craigslist for jobs in other cities, for rooms to rent in other centrally-located homes. Maybe I'll head south with Sean, copy Shaun's idea and move to Alaska, try the islands to the west with Meredith, or try the beaches on the other coast with Kirsten. 

Or maybe I'll stay for the whole year. 

The hamburger I ordered was incredible, by the way. Add guacamole. 

- Left to Fry

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