Monday, December 27

The Day After A Night Of Red Wine And Vicodin

Here's the final stretch of 2010--these hollow days between xmas and new years. If anyone made any resolutions twelve months ago, they better be wrapping those up soon. It's a bit too late to start losing weight or plan a vacation, but I guess if you're tenacious you could pull anything off before Saturday. Or maybe you followed through with all your resolutions. Got that new job, saved a little money, moved out of your parents' house... Or maybe you didn't make any. No matter what 2010 is over and done, and even though time is an imaginary construct and the sun will rise in the east as normally as ever, the changing of the calendars is always a significant moment. If not for the universe, then for mankind. 

It's everyone's second birthday. 

"This'll be the year," we say--the year we achieve and learn and grow more than the year before. 

We hope. 

And in many ways, no matter what we feel twelve months from now, we'll all have grown significantly, spiritually and physically. The people we'll meet, the opportunities that'll knock, decisions we'll make. It's insane to try and think of the first couple days of 2010 when I had twelve fresh months on the calendar and not a clue how those days would come to be filled. You never know. 

I'm waking up in a Midtown house a few blocks from the State Capitol with Kirsten in my bed and while she sleeps, I put a couple e-books on the Nook and head over to Old Soul to say hello to Meredith and Nick and Lucky, snagging a mocha and a blackberry scone before heading back to my room to get intimate with Kirsten before she leaves for work. 

A year ago I was living in Carmichael with AJ, a puppy and two kittens. 

A year from now, where will my bed be? Will I wake alone? 

Yesterday I felt something close to perfect, and I don't think it was just because of the three vicodin I took throughout the evening. Pizza, marijuana, brown ale, red wine, opiates and sex, I've found, are the best way to rinse off the dregs of the Christmas season. Kirsten's comment, "We've got the no-strings-attached thing down pretty well," was a good summary of what our situation has become. We were unusually comfortable with each other yesterday, bittersweetly aware that her transfer to Weatherstone next week will be a big change for both of us, no matter how you spin it. I know she's been a positive--if not slightly destructive--influence on me, and I know I was able to bring balance to an otherwise tumultuous period of her life, even if just for that brief flicker of time. We realized that our chapter, like 2010, is coming to an end. 

You tend to appreciate things a lot more when you know it's over. Usually.

Still got Pinback @ Harlow's on the 30th to look forward to. I have to open on the 1st of 2K11, so I won't be making it out to Bryce's new home. I don't think I'll even make it to the Favors show @ Luigi's... But maybe. I figure the important thing is to stay up for the midnight hooplah. Also, if I go to the Favors show, I'm more likely to get a kiss from a random girl when the clock strikes twelve. 

Found this photo in the land of Facebook of myself at graduation in June of 2009, which is kind of a trippy snapshot of my first day as a real person.

So anyway, I've got these two days off to dwell on the coming year and hopefully get some writing done. At the very least, the Nook's got me reading again--not that I'm not already swamped with a King novel, the Prose piece, and that weird book by Aravind Adiga. In the meantime I'll be flipping through Mother Night from Vonnegut. Gotta say the Nook is quickly growing on me. Good news: the Barnes and Noble website stopped crashing from all the other new Nook owners trying to edit their libraries online over the weekend.

Kirsten might move to Connecticut. Sean got a guitar for Christmas and we're that much closer to starting a band. Because of scheduling conflicts, I won't be seeing my Dad as soon as I'd hoped. Also didn't hear back from Kayla, so I don't think we'll be crossing paths this year. Later today I'll be seeing True Grit with Sean and then Kirsten's coming over again after she closes Old Soul. 

In honor of Hank, who's been gone since xmas-eve, this little drawing he made me: 

Good luck in the real world, Hank.

- Left to Fry

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