Saturday, January 8

The Day The Power Went Out And I Went To A Show At Luigi's

To Peace Corps or not to Peace Corps… That is the question.

Yesterday brought the final stages of my application process in the mail: fingerprint sheets, a short questionnaire, a booklet and a return envelope. Also the request to call or e-mail my local Peace Corps Representative immediately to schedule an interview. 

I haven’t done that, yet.

Spent much of yesterday evening with Katie, mostly lounging on my bed while Planet Earth, Finding Nemo and the first episodes of LOST glowed on the television. Katie is a sudden new friend who spent the past two years studying abroad in Australia and Germany and somehow ended up smoking pot and laying in bed with me after coming back to the States only a month ago. She’s a little older than me—I’m guessing 26—with reddish hair, an adventurous spirit and worldly experience. We didn’t do anything more intimate than some light touching and spooning—and I made sure to keep it simple since I haven't yet discussed with her how much I'm anti-relationship. She’s encouraging me to follow through with the Peace Corps plan, so if she’s telling me to leave the country for 27 months, I don’t think she’s looking at me for commitment.

"Fortune favors the bold," says David Attenborough 

Power was out today when I got off work (Holmes was rendered useless) because SMUD was installing a new telephone pole in the alley. Bitches. So I took a nap and the alarm clock was flashing when I woke up to a cold bedroom. Had a bunch of weird dreams that I can't remember, but I know Haley Joel Osment was in one of them.

I fell in love with the girl who used the Old Soul wi-fi today to apply for her teaching credential, as well as a handful of pretty girls who came in with their hipster boyfriends. Love comes and goes so easily in a coffee-shop. Working alongside Shaun is fun because it rarely feels like we compete for girls’ attention and do well to compliment each other’s game. If this were Planet Earth, though…

Seeing Kirsten today was an odd shock. Like running into an ex-girlfriend. She’s actually going to be staying here tonight, and maybe tomorrow night, but more out of convenience than anything. Her foot is doing better.

In a couple hours I'll muster the strength to go out into the real world and visit Luigi's around 8:00 and see a show that Shaun says will be full of "cry into my beer" acoustic music. I'm down for any live show, so it should be good, and I'll have the beer to match the mood. 

Forgot it was Second Saturday, though. Good thing it's actually really cold outside and the crowds will be smaller than usual. I saw Cayla on my way out of work (who looks so much like Kayla, my old friend from SSU, that I almost thought I was getting a surprise visit) and wouldn't mind swinging back by John's bike shop just to say hello. All the small businesses in Midtown are doing something special for the arts. This is the one night of each month where it feels like stuff is happening in Sacramento. 

Been writing again. That's good. 

Celena accepted my facebook friendship request. Some people call that first base these days.

- Left to Fry

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