Wednesday, April 27

The Day I Cancelled Car Insurance

My DMV-and-Back playlist:

1. "Repetition" - TV On The Radio
2. "Gratisfaction" - The Strokes
3. "When The Levee Breaks" - Led Zeppelin
4. "Thirst For Romance" - Cherry Ghost
5. "All The Young Dudes" - Mott the Hoople
6. "Ambling Amp" - Yeasayer
7. "Love My Way" - Psychedelic Furs
8. "Barnacles" - Ugly Casanova
9. "Evil" - Interpol
10. "The Killing Moon" - Pavement 

Total time on bike: 42 minutes.

I rode to the DMV after watching Source Code, which was, in my opinion, one of the better movies of the year so far. Perhaps the somewhat cheesy ending did spread its positive moral thick as chunky peanut-butter, but I still really dug it, so whatever. The movie happened after some internet browsing, some mouth washing and tooth brushing, and a bike ride home from Jenny's. Had one of those cool moments when the front gate was closing as I arrived home and I Indiana Jonesed my way through at the last second. Bad Ass Accomplishment of the Day: check. Made Jenny some Top Ramen (realizing, today, that the name of those noodles never seemed self-aggrandizing in any way, though I don't go around calling myself Top Chris) because she was feeling sick and that's pretty much my fault. We woke up and lazed about the blankets for a while. I don't remember falling asleep. Last night we walked to tea at Temple and confessed worries of becoming boring to each other, which cancelled out all fears entirely and last night I fell so far into love that I'm sometimes scared to admit it out loud, knowing it is becoming something I want to protect, that would hurt me to lose. Never been here, to this precipice of independence and connection. I'm encouraged to jump. I'm looking forward to the fall. 

We're going separate ways. Not tomorrow and not this summer, but eventually. Likely by March, but maybe not until Spring 2013, should Sac State require an additional semester. Knowing that--seeing that point on the timeline--leaves me with this most beautiful little pain in my heart. You figure you grow roses to see them bloom, to smell and love them, to admire and to touch and talk about and cherish. But the rose will die, likely in a vase on your kitchen counter, and we know this all the while, yet we feed the seeds, we water the roots, we trim the leaves. The loss is worth the wonder of the bloom. That's how I see Jenny. That's how I see every day that we'll get to share, from now until March or later. And what happens after? What will come from the mileage between us? I'm just as curious as you are. The bottom line is this: I'm happy. 

Crazy. Fucking crazy.

In related news, Jenny was told by her employers at the Academic Senate that she could either become a full-time, health-insured employee... or lose her job. They're trimming back and came to her first before making any drastic cuts. After talking it over dinner at Chipotle, Jenny seems decided on letting the Academic Senate go--she's put enough energy into a position she's never quite enjoyed, opposed to its monotonous creativity-sucking core. Now she can focus more on her freelancing for Healthy Cal and maybe pick up a social side-job. Good for her. Sometimes the hardest decisions to make we put off until the world demands an answer, and here she's just been waiting to lift a middle finger to the cubicle lifestyle. Jenn dragged us out to see her friends' band (Cold Eskimo) perform at Marilyn's and we drank a beer each and played a game of pool and had a brief, decent time before heading back to Jenny's, tired and still a little sick. 

So I've cancelled my car insurance. That's about 75 bucks I'll be saving each month, plus what I'm not spending on gas. I still need to get my own bike helmet, not to mention start using a helmet, and I need lights to prevent me from getting a ticket and/or getting hit by a bad driver. The Playstation Network is down. Donald Trump is picking on Obama. I bumped into Ashley at Old Soul before she left for Bows and Arrows' 1-Dollar Sale, and I passed her two bucks to buy something random for Jenny and me. She came back with these goodies: a straw sun hat and a computer-shaped coffee mug. Haven't been to tutoring since last Monday.

Here's to saving money and staying healthy. 

Also, I'm giving the new Speed of Sound in Seawater album a listen and I like it.

- Left to Fry

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