Tuesday, September 28

The Day I Finished A Four-Morning Streak Of Opening Shifts And Didn't Get A Whole Lot Done Afterward Other Than Making It To The Intern Meeting On Time

Here are the four things that made today unique:

1. Orange-haired Crystal came in to get the keys she left overnight at Old Soul.
2. Published the Oktoberfest preview piece.
3. Couldn't get a hold of Larry Scholl.
4. Found a tiny crack in my windshield. 

I was wondering today when I would start to feel lonely. I wondered if I'd felt it yet, already. Sometimes I think I feel lonely. It only comes up when I don't know what to do next, when I'm not on some task. Thankfully, those moments don't come very often anymore. And I know I fill some of that time with writing in this blog, just to make sure those feelings don't come around. My day almost feels incomplete if I don't write something in here. Not only because it fights away the lonely thoughts, but because it's started to feel important. It feels like a historical time for myself that I want to look back on with fondness. I don't know when I'll stop writing in this blog... Part of me thinks a girlfriend will be the reason, but not for a while. I don't think. Until then, this is my time to figure myself out and see what independence will bring me in the city of Sacramento.

I'll always want to remember the window of my room that looked down onto 17th street. The sidewalks on either side, often speckled with pedestrians of all shapes and sizes, sometimes drunk. Passing cars, never so much that there would be traffic, but enough to keep the commuter buzz a consistent presence. And the recent construction in the alley: the piles of dirt, the tractors, the water outages. The trees that give just enough privacy, plus close-ups to wildlife, and the rustle of branches and leaves. It's a rather peaceful window. I've never had such a view of the world before, and it's my new favorite place to be, especially for smoking. 

I'll never forget Sac Press, but I'm glad to be keeping a journal about it. It will be an event that will change the direction of my life completely, regardless of what happens at the internship's end, and like the end of my relationship with AJ, it will be interesting to read this again a few years from now. I know, now, how plausible it is that I might steer toward journalism. And why not? It was pretty much the second most reasonable route to take after becoming a teacher. That said, I've actually got an article to write that I should start now. 

- Left to Fry

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