Tuesday, September 21

The Day I Was Informed Of My First Published Misinformation And Sat In The Media Room Of City Hall During A City Council Meeting And Spoke With A Woman Who Once Played Amy Crocker After I Took Photos Of The Old City Cemetery

My days off are the most interesting, I think.

The good news is our health inspection level went from Code Yellow to Code Green, and we all know that Green is Go. So I still have a job. I'm going back there tomorrow night for a closing shift. Probably going to play the new They Might Be Giants album. Payday is Friday.

City Council meetings make no sense to me, and they never have. You've seen them on TV. Local access television, mostly. It's the city government sitting behind a crescent-shaped desk (this time without Mayor Kevin Johnson) with a bunch of rows of seats for an audience. You're screened by metal detectors and bag inspectors before entering. At the back of this room there is a big window behind which sit a few members of the media (and also where the Mayor's press conferences are held). I was in that room today with Brandon, my editor, and two other reporters and a guy who I think worked for the Mayor. They all sort of knew each other from other meetings. I felt like a kid with his parent at a work party. It was a neat experience. It was like having VIP seats at the world's most boring basketball game, but they were VIP seats nonetheless.

I found out Brian Malow wasn't born in Houston. Woops.

I also spoke with Connie Clark, who volunteers at the Lantern Tours. Her interview felt different than the one I had with Lynda Walls, but only because I'd actually had a chance to visit the Old City Cemetery before talking to Connie. I knew, now, how huge that cemetery was, how many graves there were, and how amazing that place actually was. I lost myself in that cemetery for almost an hour with my camera and a huge appreciation for how tranquil and peaceful it felt there. I would've just laid on some unused patch of grass and taken a nap if I didn't have to go into Sac Press immediately afterward.

Is that weird? Taking a nap in a graveyard?

Here are some of the pictures I took:

- Left to Fry

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