Thursday, October 7

The Day I Finished My Article About The Global Work Party And Went To Work And Drank White Wine That Jack Brought As I Was Closing

Instead of boring my future self with details of a standard Thursday, I'd rather do this:

I'm hooked on Freelance Whale and the new Jimmy Eat World album.
I'm hooked on Radiolab. 
I'm hooked on Leninade. 

I wrote my tenth article today.

I've decided my new role model is Wall-E. 

Greater California's not a bad band, either.

I think I figured out why I enjoy the idea of having this blog as a record of this Sacramento experience so much. Why I'm doing this solely for the fact that it'll end, eventually, and, someday, I'll have the chance to read it all again... It's because I'm fascinated with the history of things. Not the world, specifically, not like the stuff from history class, but objects and things. I spent thirty minutes looking around my room trying to recall the past of all the stuff hung on my walls. It would be fascinating to see the things I drew un-draw themselves to the blank pages they once were. If my "Master Shopping List" unmarked the things I'd bought and unwrote the items I've been hoping to buy. If I could watch the past in reverse, to the beginning. 

That's what's already neat about this blog. It's capturing each day like the page of a flip-book. At some point I'll think about the stages I went through in one year, and flip through them one after the other. The story of it, preserved in better shape than my own memory will treat it. In a year from now, I won't remember what it felt like to be in this particular spot, but I'll remember that I wrote this entry, and that I once was somebody completely different. 


- Left to Fry

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