Tuesday, October 26

The Day I Saw Elmo, The Mayor, Aly and her friend Seth, Oak Park, Meredith, Hank, Jenn, Stephanie, Gary Knell, Dane and Colleen at Sac Press, Dave, Lance, Rachel and her hairdresser

Someone fixed the gate at my house. Opened all the way, today, which was superb because I had somewhere important to be by 10:00am, and I still had to get gas. Yesterday the gate didn't feel like opening, causing me to walk to Sac Press rather than drive. Today I was traveling to uncharted territory, however, and the use of my vehicle was pretty much necessary. Too far to walk. Too foreign for foot-traffic. Down N, right on Broadway, left Stockton, right 34, left on MLK, Jr.. Somehow that got me to the Oak Park Community Center, and on time. 

I got my second Media Pass today. This one has Muppets on it.

I also bought a space heater from Target today. One of those metal kinds--not a fan--with ribs like an old radiator. Electric, plugged into the wall right now, with wheels so I can move it around in a six-foot radius. It's name is Holmes, and so far it's the best thing I've bought since the PS3.

I have a crush on Aly. No use denying it. But should I? Can I help it?

Today Mayor Kevin Johnson was promoting the new Sesame Workshop initiative called "Families Stick Together," which is basically the Sesame Street telling kids it's okay that their parents are losing their jobs, and even if they have to move to Grandma's house, everything will work out. It's love that will keep families together, and access to local resource organizations. It's always neat to see the Mayor. It's even better to see Elmo. Here's a photo of both of them:

That's Gary Knell on the left, the CEO of Sesame Workshop.

Here's the article I wrote. I don't feel like repeating myself.

After that, I cold-called a hundred million bars and coffee-shops around Sacramento asking if they were doing any special deals for Election Day next Tuesday (three of them are).  

Speaking of which, I found out where my voting place is. I'm excited to actually vote for the first time. I meant to do it for Obama, but I knew he was gonna win, so I just voted in spirit. Here, now, however, I feel like I really want to say something. Yes on 19, you hypocrites. No on 23, you ignorant fucks. Yes on 25, you lazy bastards. Vote third-party, aim for change. 

I digress.

Turns out there was no intern meeting, so wasting my time finding out that my green discount card for the parking garage wasn't working was a lot of fun. I guess the barcode part is scratched. Who knows? I guess it'll be a lot of walking for the next month. Don't really want to bother with getting a new card. 

See the guy behind Johnson in that photo? That's Elmo's operator. Ruins Elmo, a little. 

Long story short: Aly's college friend was in town from Colorado and came to dinner with us at Hot Italian. A nice guy. Seth. We went to the Townhouse afterward for drinks and so we could shout conversations over loud indie music. He left. Aly and I went and talked and listened to Hype Machine for another hour in my room. Nothing fancy. I'm sure I like her, but it feels better to move it slowly. I don't even know what I'm really feeling about the whole thing. All I know is I like hanging out with her. 

I love Holmes. He keeps my room so warm.

- Left to Fry

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